You can download a copy of my counselling contract by clicking here.
You can download the Data Protection Contract here.
As an Accredited member of BACP, you can see my certificate by clicking here, and I abide by their code of ethics.
Full details of their Code of Ethics and their conduct procedure if you have a complaint about an accredited counsellor are available at their website or you can download a copy of the files below:
In addition, I constantly strive to live up to the following moral qualities below:
The practitioner’s personal moral qualities are of the utmost importance to clients. Many of the personal qualities considered important in the provision of services have an ethical or moral component and are therefore considered as virtues or good personal qualities. It is inappropriate to prescribe that all practitioners possess these qualities since it is fundamental that these personal qualities are deeply rooted in the person concerned and developed out of personal commitment rather than the requirement of an external authority. Personal qualities to which counsellors and psychotherapists are strongly encouraged to aspire include:
- Empathy: the ability to communicate understanding of another person’s experience from that person’s perspective.
- Sincerity: a personal commitment to consistency between what is professed and what is done.
- Integrity: commitment to being moral in dealings with others, personal straightforwardness, honesty and coherence.
- Resilience: the capacity to work with the client’s concerns without being personally diminished.
- Respect: showing appropriate esteem to others and their understanding of themselves.
- Humility: the ability to assess accurately and acknowledge one’s own strengths and weaknesses.
- Competence: the effective deployment of the skills and knowledge needed to do what is required.
- Fairness: the consistent application of appropriate criteria to inform decisions and actions.
- Wisdom: possession of sound judgement that informs practice.
- Courage: the capacity to act in spite of known fears, risks and uncertainty.
The challenge of working ethically means that practitioners will inevitably encounter situations where there are competing obligations. In such situations, it is tempting to retreat from all ethical analysis in order to escape a sense of what may appear to be unresolvable ethical tension. These ethics are intended to be of assistance in such circumstances by directing attention to the variety of ethical factors that may need to be taken into consideration and to alternative ways of approaching ethics that may prove more useful. No statement of ethics can totally alleviate the difficulty of making professional judgements in circumstances that may be constantly changing and full of uncertainties. By accepting this statement of ethics, members of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy are committing themselves to engaging with the challenge of striving to be ethical, even when doing so involves making difficult decisions or acting courageously.
There are some very useful Information Sheets available from BACP for people looking for counsellors, to explain what they do, what to expect and how to get the best out of your counselling. You can find a full list and lot of other resources from their webpage or download a PDF copy of a selection from the list below:
What is counselling and psychotherapy?
What happens in your first session with your therapist.
How to get the best out of your therapist.
What do counsellors and psychotherapists mean by ‘professional boundaries’
Cruse Bereavement Services offer a range of Information sheets and Booklets about bereavement and dealing with grief.
Every time we experience a single day of inner stillness and joy, we are empowered to expand it into a second and a third day. A space opens in our hearts, and when two hearts recognize and acknowledge each other, a connection happens. It happens again and again as other hearts are joined in this stillness.
A quotation by LaUna Huffines